“III” – 49 Winchester (2020) [english]

There is no genre in music like country music so influenced by the place where you play it and learn it; the air, the mountains, the water and the roads are all part of the process that leads to the birth of a sound and tracks. Just see the name of the band of these 5 musicians to understand how their roots and their homes are important for their music : the way where they were born and raised in Virginia, between the Appalachian Mountains and the Clinch River. A country that flows in notes from these 10 pieces played in a very personal way, a wise and never banal mix of country, roots, rock and blues with a splash of bluegrass, in the land where country is said to have been born. The 49 Winchester are composed by the singer and acoustic guitarist Isaac Gibson (who also composes all the tracks), Noah Patrick pedal-steel guitar, Bus Shelton on guitar, Dillon Cridlin on drums and Chase Chafin on bass and arrived at the third record (as you can guess from the title) and have now reached a maturity of sound and production really remarkable. A sound oscillating between the melancholy feeling of country but watered by the taste of the south and the blues rock, an alternative sound (as intellectuals use to say) that likes it right away, hit play and the first track Long Hard Life will take you right away with a sharp and funny guitar riff , with the keyboard to accompany the voice from Gibson’s worn countryman. A song that makes you want to take the car and have a nice on the road under the sun, except that the next Everlasting Lover considerably slows down the rhythm, a poignant country acoustic ballad, with the voice on the shields, a truly remarkable performance by Gibson. A song that speaks of love but not honeyy or cloying but real and dry, embellished by a guitar sound almost perfect. Perhaps one of the gems of this beautiful record. The production of Kenny Miles has done a wonderful job together with the band, not invasive but a safe guide, Raleigh is a glaring example, perfect arrangement for another melancholy ballad, not the classic country but almost a slow blues rock. Country almost like a saloon reappears in It’s a Shame, where the work of Patrick’s pedal-steel makes us travel in time and reminds us that it is still a band that owes a lot to the classic country, alternative but always clinging to a sparkling past. The convincing record closes with Get Clean, a very intense dusty country rock fresco, a western ride but with a hammond keyboard on his heels. Once again it is worth noting the fantastic work of guitars and the beautiful southern uvula by Isaac Gibson, here there is pure talent and the gavetta has paid off. They definitely deserve a place in the sun among the American country rock bands, a genre back to have the public success that deserves thanks to independent productions and the network, I hope with this review I can open a small window on the world of a band that deserves your attention.

Good listening,

Trex Willer by http://www.ticinonotizie.it

you can find original italian article at this link : https://www.ticinonotizie.it/ascoltati-da-noi-per-voi-a-cura-di-claudio-trezzani-49-winchester-iii-2020/

Pubblicato da Trex

Sono un blogger e scrittore appassionato di musica indipendente americana. Scrivo gialli polizieschi e ho inventato il personaggio del detective texano Cody Myers.

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