The area of Texas called the Panhandle is what in jargon is called the handle of the pan and that is the northwest of the largest and most iconic state in the United States, Texas. An area that the term plain does not fully describe, worse than a plain, a desolate expanse of almost nothing, infernal in summer as well as very cold in winter, without a shred of hill or tree to stop that terrible wind that cuts faces and eyes. A place where only the few oil wells, the scarce crops and farms have kept afloat over the years, a place for men and women hard to die but that in spite of (or thanks) to all this has given the world among the greatest American musicians : Waylon Jennings, Joe Ely, Terry Allen and also the inventor of rockabilly Buddy Holly, one who when he died at a young age in a tragic plane crash exclaimed to the world the famous phrase “the day music died”. Here the life that laboriously makes its way between dust and earth, had a natural outlet in the music and once again proves it. These 4 guys who dedicate to this land where they were born the name of their band, are actually a super group because they are already artists (and artists) established : William Clark Green (appreciated singer-songwriter who has just given to the press an amazing live), Josh Abbott (founding member of the Josh Abbott Band, legendary act in and around Texas), Cleto Cordero (frontman of another legendary band in these parts, namely Flatland Cavalry) and finally John Baumann, another singer-songwriter breed. A record that is a dedication to another legendary line-up in the area, namely the Flatlanders that in the ’70s were more famous than Elvis in Texas, an idea came to the 4 after attending a tribute concert to this band by the Dixie Chicks. The album is a real jewel of Texan music, full of dedications to this land so strange but so strong and we start perhaps with one of the most beautiful of the lot, West Texas in my Eye, a wonderful modern poetry written by another fantastic author, namely Charlie Stout. Acoustics, dusty, with that violin that gives her that sad, melancholy aura. The journey will thus be, through the plain, difficult lives, decayed and decadent farms, a place that no one in their right mind would think of inhabiting but that the people of here love deeply. You appreciate the little things, as in Cactus Flower, where a small flower of a plant true image of the hardness of the desert, will snatch a smile and a sweet country song. A dry sound but that the banjo inserts here and there make even more texan, as in This Flatland Life, a country song with honky tonk flavor, this land without water with only wind to keep you company but perhaps for this reason it lets express such strong feelings of belonging : if I survive and I love this place, you can trust me. The band that inspired them Flatlanders by Joe Ely, were linked to a country very influenced by rock and blues, while the 10 tracks you’ll hear here are the most Texan the country can offer, true stories, strong feelings and bitter smiles, sound that has nothing of the elegant music that you can hear further east of the plain but is loved and appreciated for this honesty. A perfect record in its simplicity, a dry and dusty declaration of love perfect for the Panhandle, we can’t wait to know if the 4 will give us more chapters of their love for West Texas, to love their land as they do through these delicious notes.
Good listening,
Trex Willer by
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