“All My Homies Hate Ticketmaster (Live from Red Rocks)” – Zach Bryan (2022) [english]

There are moments in the history of music that are crossed by Magic. Moments when the stars align with the planets and something unexplainable happens except with something otherworldly. Here, on November 3, 2022 in Morrison, Colorado, at the Red Rocks Arena, one of the most beautiful and iconic concert venues in the world, something happened that only Magic can explain. I’m not talking about the art learned by Harry Potter at Hogwarts, but about that feeling that emanated from thousands of hearts and souls blends with the music and words of a great artist: is a kind of magic sang someone years ago. That something magical was the amazing concert of that brilliant artist who answers the name of Zach Bryan (with the opening of another great independent musician, Charles Wesley Godwin, ed), not just a live, but one of the most intense concerts ever recorded in recent years, in one of the most beautiful arenas in the world, to which Nature (or God or as you want to believe to call the whole that surrounds us) did not want to miss her contribution, unleashing over the heads of fans and musicians an intense snowfall. So what do you want to call a night like this, if not magical? I listened to the stories of American friends who were present and who still have the chills to think about it (and I’m not cold thinking about the weather…). This live is therefore the testimony on tape (sorry my being vintage…) of a memorable concert and already for this would be unmissable, especially for those who were not there, but Zach wanted to make it even more important by making it the manifesto of his battle against the monopoly and the crazy prices of concert tickets, making it come out so suddenly, without warning and giving it a title that more iconic could not: “All My Homies Hate Ticketmaster”. A phrase that Bryan now uses for this battle to the sounds of tweets and constant commitment against these large companies, viral for months in the States. Even here in Italy we know this problem well, even if the company is different and already other bands in the past had tried to fight, but without great results. Zach Bryan is putting a lot of effort into it, his music is for people who work, who have hard lives, and he doesn’t want anyone not to be able to afford his own concert or shirt. It’s a hard battle, often an artist participates in festivals of which he knows no prices and on which he has zero control, but from his has millions of fans ready to follow him. Let’s get to this record: 24 pieces all performed to the maximum, the band that accompanies Bryan is in shape and all show a perfect performance, despite the freezing cold, the wind and the snow. Amazing, if you think about it! We start with the super-classic Country Roads with the voice of the great Charles Wesley Godwin (which I told you about in this article: https://www.trexroads.com/how-the-mighty-fall-charles-wesley-godwin-2021-english/ ) that blends in with Bryan and the audience. This would be enough to make me say: you absolutely must listen to him! I found myself in the room singing along with the thousands of voices warmed by unique emotions. There are all the classics of the artist that now define legend is a must, but just all. Open the Gate opens the real dances, the voice of Bryan powerful and intense not affected by the cold and sometimes leaves the microphone to the audience that almost overwhelms him. Everyone knows his poems and they never stop singing: fighting the frost by warming up the souls. The participation is sensational, listen to the wonderful God Speed and the wonder of witnessing this magic you also hear in the words of Bryan. The Oklahoma City violin that, if needed, unleashes the hearts and voices of thousands of crazy fans and then the beautiful intro of trumpet and banjo Quittin’ Time, I confess I had the thrills of imagining myself in Red Rocks. A piece that takes on an epic tone, a poem sung by a unique artist. The dedication to the family present at the event before Sweet DeAnn, taken from the album dedicated to the late mother, is moving and we can only imagine the emotion of the family members who sing at full throttle this little jewel under the incessant snow and in the heat of the excited audience. The wonderful ballad The Good I’ll Do, just appeared in season 5 of the tv series Yellowstone, with the violin to give her that melancholy that takes your stomach, sung with a thousand and more voices is pure magical art my friends. There are no other explanations, listening to believe. They should be really mentioned all, obviously Snow could not miss an evening like this and the band continues to confirm that they are a great group, the choirs left to the audience put goosebumps even to Bryan who thanks and thanks. The battle for the dear tickets is for these people who, under the snow, with frost, does not miss an event that will remain in the annals. Something in the Orange, one of the most beautiful pieces of his masterpiece American Heartbreak (which I told you about in this article: https://www.trexroads.com/american-heartbreak-zach-bryan-2022-english/ ) does not disappoint and this sad poem also acquires greater expressive power in this natural frame so iconic. Perfection. Do not miss the duet with Godwin in Jamie, another melancholy ballad that envelops the soul, these two young men are now certainties of American independent music. The future of music bequeathed by Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and the other greats is in firm hands. It’s not just country, it’s not just folk, it’s not just rock, it’s art and poetry. The concert ends with two other gems: the wonderful November Air and the long jam with everyone on the stage of Revival, which greets a wonderful evening and that, I repeat, will remain written in focus in the books of the history of music. A perfect live album: from the brilliant title, to its release as a Christmas gift to fans, to its wonderful songs performed in a sensational way, to the snow that covered the heads, but did not cool the souls and hearts of thousands of people, that have contributed to making a magical evening unforgettable. Magic, as I said at the beginning, is the only way I can tell you about this wonderful album in a few words, listen to it, listen to it again, sing aloud and be excited as thousands of souls did that magical night of November 3, 2022. Thanks Zach, just this: THANK YOU.

Good listening,

Trex Willer by http://www.ticinonotizie.it

(you can find original italian article at this link: https://www.ticinonotizie.it/zach-bryan-all-my-homies-hate-ticketmaster-live-from-red-rocks-2022-by-trex-roads/ )

Pubblicato da Trex

Sono un blogger e scrittore appassionato di musica indipendente americana. Scrivo gialli polizieschi e ho inventato il personaggio del detective texano Cody Myers.

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