“Too Many Chiefs (Not Enough Indians) – Clete Bradley and the Mood (2022) [english]

I often repeat an adage: I recognize very few merits, especially in the field of music, to the exasperated digitalization of our lives, but if there is one it is precisely that of having made me know the undergrowth of American music. Of course, the network and the so-called social networks have done enormous damage to the quality of the music offer, but on the other hand they have allowed artists who would remain local, to become national or even global. Through streaming services I was able to explore this world paying the right price and not having to buy records that I would have forgotten on the shelf. You have no idea how many CDs I have in my basement, how much money I spent hoping I found the gold and it was lead. Now I am a collector and I buy vinyl almost exclusively from independent artists of which I already know at least something and I will certainly buy the vinyl of this artist if he will ever produce one. I discovered Clete Bradley and the Mood randomly through one of the many social groups of fans and I immediately fell in love with the cover and the title of this debut. Brilliant title and choice of graphics and colors absolutely apt. They say not to judge a book by the cover, but if I had done it for this album I wouldn’t have been wrong. This album is an explosive concentration of country, rock and soul blues, a splash of honky tonk and a lot of passion. 10 pieces just waiting to be discovered and that will not soon leave the playlists of independent music lovers. Immediately from the first piece you will be immersed in the homeland of Clete Bradley, a sound that more Texan can not with Get Gone, taste of outlaw country and desert dust. The voice is really intense and deep at the right point, the guitar sounds like that of the great bands that have furrowed the axes of the great Texas clubs, honky tonk rhythm and real life stories. The production of a great console like Jeff Saenz is a guarantee of absolute quality. Blowing Smoke has an irresistible soul groove, with a great guitar and keyboard interweaving, a rhythm that will not leave you easily. The solo has a 70’s flavor and sounds just like a song from the golden years. The guitar riff that starts Corinthians is enveloping and soul rock flavor, the piece advances is supported by a great work of the support band and the voice of Bradley, a real discovery! Before the beautiful solo by Nik Lee, there is the phrase that gives the title to the album and that as far as I am concerned summarizes many of the problems of modern society. The beautiful piece ends with a really great keyboard solo. Do you want an intense ballad, a slow piece, but with a remarkable expressive power? Here, Last Kiss is for you and once again the performance of Clete Bradley’s voice makes the difference. Soul and blues wrap the band’s sound between organ and guitar, as if we were in a jam session at Muscle Shoals in the golden years. Did you say golden years? Like Jesus is country seventies and good ones! Waylon Jennings came through here and left visible footprints, are we or are we not in Texas? Very successful the country ballad Only Thing Is Missing You, melancholy at the right point and with the female countersong by Sam Watson of great impact that makes this piece really beautiful, like the duets of the past. My favorite is The Divorce, a dusty piece of outlaw country that almost touches the southern, where the voice is intense, but dirty guitars scratch the speakers and the rhythm presses. The harmonica is a blues touch and the keyboard embroiders a beautiful groove that takes you immediately and does not give up anymore. Beautiful! The work ends with another ballad with a country flavor, Lake Of Fire, that shows the world what vocal quality has Clete Bradley and above all what quality has his songwriting, never banal, never repetitive and inspired in a positive way to the great Texans of the past. A really beautiful record, 10 songs that never tire and that do justice to a really beautiful cover and a brilliant title. Imagine yourself in a historic Texas venue, a fiery saloon of souls looking for excitement and fun, here at the rhythm of these 10 pieces you could not dream of a better evening. Discover the debut of a great artist who shows, if there was still need, that Texas has an infinite reservoir of quality music and without any fear you can add Clete Bradley and the Mood to the names not to be missed if you love the independent music of the real one.

Good listening,

Trex Willer by http://www.ticinonotizie.it

(you can find original italian article at this link: https://www.ticinonotizie.it/clete-bradley-and-the-mood-too-many-chiefs-not-enough-indians-2022-by-trex-roads/ )

Pubblicato da Trex

Sono un blogger e scrittore appassionato di musica indipendente americana. Scrivo gialli polizieschi e ho inventato il personaggio del detective texano Cody Myers.

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