Last week I told you that I often discover new artists watching the fantastic line-up of American Festivals.
Well, the same thing happened with these guys that I discovered after noticing them among the artists who would participate in the Firewater Festival of 2022, organized by the Whiskey Myers in a park near LaCygne, Kansas.
An incredible festival of which I have video and photographic evidence sent by my American friends who go there every year: a 3 days as it was used in the 70s. Camping, street-food and lots, lots of great independent music. Perhaps the best festival of recent years. The location is also a stunning beauty. The nature that is the background to these concerts is the classic icing on the cake.
A band that from the first listening of a piece released last year, Come With Me, had given me an electric shock. That feeling that arouses a special artist, who you know will not be unknown for long.
A southern-tinged rock that excited me and that left me with the hope that soon would be released a debut album not to be missed. The wait was not in vain.
The album came out and it’s a damn new electric shock of rock and southern to make the walls shake. Nor am I going to tell you the origin of these guys, as I often say the reservoir of talent in Texas is endless: Greenville, Hunt County.
Weathered Souls are young, very young, but they have a maturity in songwriting, arrangements and sound to be the envy of much more navigated and important bands.
Independent music is now a flood and the banks imposed by the mainstream wanted by the majors have now been broken and wiped out.
Bands like these Texan guys deserve to be on everyone’s lips and the presence at the festival wanted by their fellow countrymen Whiskey Myers has certified this value. The Whiskey Myers as talent scouts invite as their openers young artists who want to emerge and have the talent to do so.
Listening to these 10 pieces of Texas rock we understand why. (for the record keep an eye on the Almost Legal Band, even younger, but with so much talent).
The group consists of Holdyn Mason lead guitar, Brock Roggow on vocals, Ryan Delvell on drums, Cameron Russell on keyboards, Dustin Baugh on rhythm guitar and Travis Buck on bass: a lot of talent and passion. Write down these names.
Press play and a guitar riff will catch the proscenium, pulsating drums and a powerful and incisive voice made for this music. Here it is: Don’t Pray For Me.
Guitars do a great job, powerful electric shocks and melody. A little Southern rock, a little AC/DC, but a lot of character. The solo is short but it’s a gem.
The title track is a southern rock of powerful guitars and a rhythmic button and enveloping, the groove is exciting: you move, you jump. These guys can play, they can play! Mason’s guitar is a discharge with his solo after a stop of rhythm. Beautiful.
Bad Cat Boogie (Right to be Wrong) is a fast rock ride, but in the Southern way, as if AC/DC had gone from Greenville for a jam session with these 6 guys.
The rhythm is crazy, it shakes you and Roggow’s voice drives the race. Down the windows, you run hard to the electric beauty solo. That is rock is not dead is a phrase made, but damn it true!
The next Take My Sins doesn’t slow down, the guitars aren’t going to let go of our stomachs and shake us. Groove to shake the boards of a stage, riffs that scratch the air and lead us to the central part of the piece where there is a solo at Angus Young style. And what about the second part with the blocked riffs? Southern rock friends and lots of adrenaline. Show! And away with the solos.
I can only imagine the fire that will burn the stages of the States, they will not stay in Texas for long.
The Crow begins acoustic, a dusty ballad that highlights the great voice of Brock Roggow.
The band does not disfigure even slowing down and takes inspiration from the Texas independent country, an exciting song and absolutely not trivial. I feel the dust coming out of the speakers and I really like the almost western feeling I feel, it seems to be on the album cover. The work of Russell’s keyboards is really remarkable.
The Dream is an instrumental track dominated by the two guitars. We “dream” on the streets of Texas rock of 6 guys from uncommon talent. The song is electric, but dreamy as if we were looking at the stars, but we were surrounded by the taste of the desert.
After finding ourselves dreamy, we wake up to the electric discharges of Rolling Thunder guitars. Like the lightning in the band’s logo, the guitars strike the air and Roggow’s powerful voice does the rest. A rhythm that immediately takes the ears, with almost country inserts to soften the tension and then immediately return to shake the hearts. Another crazy southern rock ride that culminates with yet another exceptional solo. What guitars my friends!
Nothing Left has an electric blues soul that flows into rock, the rhythm beats and then the song flows into a guitar part almost prog and then back to the blues groove. Beautiful not banal plot and then I tell you to do, a solo to make your teeth tremble.
We’re almost at the end and Holy Mother arrives with his guitar riff that won’t let you down. The voice, the choirs and the continuous unscrewed electric: southern rock high quality friends! The guitars are powerful, melodic, never banal and almost end in a seventies jam session.
The beautiful album ends with Reap What You Sow, an epic rock and, even here, almost progressive, I can not explain otherwise. All the rhythms did an exceptional job, no members excluded.
A fire that burns sometimes like the flames of Hell, sometimes like a magma that slowly envelops us. The solo is the worthy icing on a cake not to be missed.
The Weathered Souls is one of those discoveries that you have to share with the world, that every rock lover should know and listen to.
This is one of those beginnings that makes me thank God for independent music, for my connections and for the emotions it gives me.
A rock album of very high quality, with a lot of southern and blues, but also rushed that would make proud the great Bon Scott, with so much electricity that would illuminate a city and a groove that will not leave easily my stereo, indeed I’m ready to press “repeat” and greet you.
Rock is alive and well, it is!
Good listening,
Trex Willer by

(in Ticino Notizie web site you can find original italian version of this article)