“I Travel On” – Jason Eady (2018) [english]

The golden streak of Texas country music seems to never end and although our Jason Eady comes from Mississippi, bringing with him roots and blues influences, He has his home in Fort Worth and is yet another artist who is absolutely worth taking with us on an on the road trip on the dusty streets of Lone Star State.  Arriving at the sixth record, Eady probably reached from the previous record (Jason Eady , 2017), an inner musical peace and found its way and an absolutely remarkable maturity that places it as one of the references for country acoustic music and strong folk influences. Along with a few musicians, his wife Courtney Patton who appears in the choirs in several songs (also esteemed country artist), went to the studio, acoustic instruments, essential and perfect arrangements, live sound without overdubbing, without interference as if they were on a porch singing stories. The album is of a unique simplicity, nothing fancy, nothing complicated : music of roots, emotions and well-written stories.  Eady has a deep voice, intense outlaw consumed, his music takes inspiration from the country and acoustic blues of his native lands. It starts with a song that mixes all this, an almost blues-western flavor, with I Lost My Mind In Carolina, lively and dusty, with a beautiful round of acoustics that immediately catches you and the violin that fits perfectly and already from here we can understand that it will be a journey that will certainly not bore, indeed. Trip like what he did with his wife along the Californian coast narrated in Calaveras County, first single of the album and beautiful energetic song, sunny, a eulogy of the on the road.  The sound is on par with the lyrics, disenchantment and irony, even when dealing with themes such as natural disasters and their absolutely unpredictable nature in Below The Waterline, a ballad as it was used in the times of the great folk songwriters of which Eady is a convincing heir. In my opinion the most important vocal performance of the album is in Always a Woman, an interpretation that makes the piece perhaps the best of the 11. The text that speaks of love, regrets and hope is also splendid. A ballad imbued with melancholy but it is swept away by the wild country honky-tonk flavor of Pretty When I Die. One of those songs that enliven the parties in the Texas clubs, with Eady telling us to always try, not to leave something of intent because life passes and never comes back.  The record closes with I Travel On, the journey continues and we gladly join, with a melancholy resophonic guitar ride and we can see the image of us travelers with a convertible, wind on your face and maybe a nice race from the Pacific Highway to the Texas desert.  Dreaming costs nothing, just the price of a beautiful record.

Good listening,

Trex Willer by http://www.magazzininestistenti.it

(you can find italian article on the blog at this link : https://www.trexroads.com/i-travel-on-jason-eady-2018/ ‎ )

Pubblicato da Trex

Sono un blogger e scrittore appassionato di musica indipendente americana. Scrivo gialli polizieschi e ho inventato il personaggio del detective texano Cody Myers.

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